A Little Mistake with Your Dog That Can
Make You Poor

Hello Dog Owner,

In today's modern world as a pet owner, there is one expense that is becoming increasingly necessary: Pet insurance. Insurance isn't something that you would consider an optional item for yourself, and you shouldn't for your dog either. It helps make veterinary care more affordable

Puppy Insurance

The best time to purchase insurance is when you get a brand new puppy. Puppies are expensive and require several vet visits right away. You'll need to take your puppy in for an initial wellness exam as well as vaccinations (8 weeks, 12 weeks, and 16 weeks). That's assuming you don't have to treat for anything else (worms, parasites, etc.) and what about when it's time for spaying and neutering?

Plus, insurance covers the accidents that might come with puppyhood such as eating things they shouldn't and protects young puppies against things that are unexpected. Imagine if your small puppy falls and accidentally breaks a leg or if your new Golden puppy thinks the hand towel looks like an edible treat. These are more expensive accidents than you realize!

Older Dog Insurance

Even if you have an older dog, you can still obtain dog insurance. Most companies will insure dogs up until they reach old age, often around 14 years old. If they have been ill or had a disease (like cancer), the coverage will likely not cover future charges related to a pre-existing condition.

The truth is that at some point about 50% of dogs will have a major emergency or illness in its lifetime. The veterinary world can now offer us top-notch care, but it does come at an expense that many an average pet owner can't afford. Pet insurance allows you do not have to consider euthanasia as a treatment choice!

Dog Health Insurance

Dog health insurance works very similarly to human insurance. You must be able to afford monthly premium payments. You can select plans based on what you want to have covered, the deductible you want to pay, etc.

It is important when selecting a dog health insurance plan that you compare the various options among companies. Not all plans are created equal. Some offer higher deductibles and have more exclusions and restrictions. Make sure everything is covered! It does you no good to not have routine wellness items covered or to not cover for major emergencies.

Dog Medical Insurance

Other considerations when purchasing an insurance plan:

  • Is your vet an approved vet? Just like with human health insurance plans, not all vets are included in the network of an insurer, so if you like your personal vet, try to find coverage that will include him.

  • What about emergency vets? People don't often think about the emergency vet until that person is needed, but make sure that your coverage will pay for a trip to an emergency vet.

  • Are you covered when you travel? If you are someone that travels with your dog you need to make sure that an expense in another state on vacation will be covered.

  • Are the plans standard or do you have to pay for a lot of add ons? For example, traveling coverage might be an add on, but what about more routine items.

  • Know how claims are processed. Many pet insurance companies have you pay the upfront fee and then submit receipts. If so, can you afford the upfront fee and wait to be reimbursed?

  • Will the premiums increase just because of your pet ages?

  • Do you have what many companies consider a high-risk breed? These dogs might not be covered at all or only at a higher expense.

Lifelong Pet Insurance

Lifelong pet insurance is a type of insurance plan that is meant to cover your pet for the duration of its natural life. Of course, you need to read the fine print to be sure, but as a general rule, it means the insurance company can't remove your pet from the plan suddenly.

Lifelong pet insurance plans help limit the restrictions that can often be placed on a plan. For example, many companies will only cover treatment for a specific incidence for a limited time.

Additionally, a dog's veterinary expenses often increase as the dog ages. Lifelong plans ensure that your dog is covered when it likely needs it most and isn't dropped from a plan.

Veterinary Pet Insurance

Veterinary pet insurance, which also happens to be the name of one leading company, is easy to obtain. This can often lead to mistakes in selecting the right company and plan because it is so easy to get. Make sure to compare first!

While selecting an insurance plan, it's advisable to put together a medical record for your dog, if you haven't yet. Any company will want to know:

  • Your dog's breed (or close as you can get if a mixed breed)

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Medical History: This will include all visits to the vet and what happened there. If you don't have this on-file yourself, your vet can provide you with a printout history for an application. Keep in mind that many companies will not offer coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Dog Insurance Comparison

It is vital to do a thorough comparison of dog insurance policies. In the last few years, many, many companies have begun offering dog insurance. They are not created equal! It is imperative that you take the time to really evaluate the various plans and the companies. Check out the company's history and wellbeing.

Just like with human insurance, every policy is different and covers (or doesn't cover) a wide variety of things. Additionally, some companies have better track records than others and pay their claims better. Talk to your vet and get a feel for what your vet thinks about the available options. They are at the forefront to really have a better understanding.

Additionally, the internet can be an excellent resource for research and comparisons.

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